Thursday, May 28, 2015

About change - Carver

Some things are sad to leave. Most of these things are big things. The reason is that the big things are furniture. When I lost my dresser (and by lost I mean it was sold. How could you lose an entire dresser?) I had to reorganize my whole room. All the small things went onto a white bookshelf which now lives in my room and my clothing went to my closet. But it is really sad when that happens. It will be terrible when my bed gets sold.

My bright green room was painted a couple days ago because the green wasn't neutral. The blue is fine but it is certainly different.

What I don't like and adapt to well is change. For example I sleep best in my bed and I don't sleep well in hotels. I will have to adapt to change on this trip. Soon the biggest thing will be gone. That big thing is this house. Some things are hard to lose. Never wanting change is like a pi bond in chemistry. Pi bonds keep molecules rigid. No change keeps life rigid.

I had originally intended for this to be about furniture but I realized that what I was going to say about furniture, it would be about change.

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